Making requests | Documentation | Website Contacts API | WhoisXML API

Making requests

NOTE - This API is currently not available to new users.

API endpoint

It takes up to a minute to activate your account after the registration.

Postman collection

Postman is a desktop and web application that allows you to make requests to an API from a graphical user interface. We recommend using Postman with WhoisXML APIs endpoints when exploring the APIs functionality, as well as when you are troubleshooting issues with your application.

The WhoisXML API Postman collection is available at the following links:

The collection includes a preconfigured environment. You will need to set up the api_key variable to fire each request. Get your personal API KEY on the My products page. If you have questions related to the API, contact us.

Input parameters


Required. Get your personal API KEY on the My products page.


Required. The website's domain name.



0 is used for getting the cached contacts information if there is one.

1 is used for demanding the website contacts information from scratch.

Acceptable values: 0 | 1

Default: 0


Optional. Response output format.

Acceptable values: JSON | XML

Default: JSON

Free access

After Sign Up you automatically get a free subscription plan limited to 100 queries.

Usage limits and requests throttling

The maximum number of requests per second is 5. In case that the limit is breached, your subsequent requests will be rejected until the next second.

This API is also available with a dedicated load balancer and premium endpoint to enable faster querying as part of our Premium API Services and Enterprise API Packages.